
BrailliantTouch® has helped made many schools, hospitals and federal buildings accessible for people with disability. We are the exclusive provider of Federal Identification Signs in Canada.

Cleaning Signs

All Signs can be cleaned using soap and water as well as alcohol. Cleaning signs will prevent the spread of bacteria and help combat COVID-19.

Professional Results

We combine fabrication experience, stunning graphics and top-quality materials to deliver lasting custom sign solutions.

  • Our full-service production facility provides efficient turnaround times.
  • Our industry-savvy sales team works to meet the requirements of your company and your clients.

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Our Work

BrailliantTouch™ has been used internationally to help guide people with visual impairment.

Over the years we have developed a range of sign types while working with our clients.

  • Here are some examples of our work

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a Distributor

BrailliantTouch™ is a unique encapsulated signage type loved by thousands of clients in North America & growing every day.

You can fulfill your clients needs with customized ADA signage requirements.

  • We will take care of all production.

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